The jacob1's mod window bug (above) strikes again!
"Help! Whenever I open the mod, it stays minimized! If I try to click on the icon in the task bar, the window does not pop up. It still shows a preview of the window."
I figured out what caused it; whenever you disable a script in the built-in script manager and it askes you to restart the application, if you click done, it restarts and causes the bug.
This time, changing the type of window the mod opened in did not help, but deleting powder.pref did.
Can you make a tutorial on the new BALL element in your mod? I set the tmp2 to 10 to see what would happen but then it exploded; can you see the problem? The element was freshly created from whatever void the elements come from. Can you explain or make a tutorial on the wiki or a save?
Jacob1 added ball a long time ago and probably before I registered to join this game! And I don't think ball is created by anything...
It’s like optifine for Powder Toy!
I sent the bug reports, but I'll post it here too, because they were fragmentary.
In fullscreen with force integer scaling enabled, when I release the mouse button after drawing something, the draw cursor (not the mouse) will move towards the center of the screen, drawing whatever I tried to draw. As far as I can tell, the distance it draws is dependent on the distance from the center of the screen I have my mouse. If I don't move the mouse, the draw cursor stay's there, and when I move my mouse it snaps right back into place.
Edit: A save showing how the cursor moves I guess: 1637850
Additionally, although far less annoying, whenever I click to enable or disable a script in the lua menu, the TPTMP console button blinks. This happens without force integer scaling.