• Nathanhi89
    4th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    What about oxygen, hydrogen and helium.
  • Candunc
    4th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    oxygen = O2
    hydrogen and helium: Will be added, I think. I'll maybe code them.

    Gold \
    Silver \
    Copper Not needed, as there will be quartz in 45.0

    Plastic - Too glitchy. I might re-code it though...
  • Alle1339
    4th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    what about something like stickman (but you cant move him with arrows ofc.) but you can add many more? they behave like regular stickman (flies away with shockwawe and can die) it would be really cool to use in bomb tests etc
  • sparkjet
    4th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    wouldn't plastic have almost exactly the same properties as wax?
  • Racer-Delux
    4th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Here are a few elements to consider:

    One way conductor. This is a two part element, the first part (OWS) is the beginning of the current. It only transmits electricity to the second part (OWF). OWF can transmit the current to any conductor, but only receives current from OWS. In addition, OWF acts like a insulator to prevent glitchy looping circuits.

    Element that becomes phantom when activated by PSNC and solid when activated by NSNC. This is basically a small version of the E-Wall and can be used to make small logic gates and other devices.

    The third element is ground wire (grnd). When connected to a circuit, any current that passes its direction will automatically be directed to the GRND wire. This can be useful if you have multiple circuits that go to the same outcome, but will prevent sending a charge the wrong direction.
  • Neospector
    4th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    One way conductor. This is a two part element, the first part (OWS) is the beginning of the current. It only transmits electricity to the second part (OWF). OWF can transmit the current to any conductor, but only receives current from OWS. In addition, OWF acts like a insulator to prevent glitchy looping circuits.

    PSCN conducts to NSCN, NSCN doesn't conduct to PSCN
    Element that becomes phantom when activated by PSNC and solid when activated by NSNC. This is basically a small version of the E-Wall and can be used to make small logic gates and other devices.

    There's invisible which is close
    The third element is ground wire (grnd). When connected to a circuit, any current that passes its direction will automatically be directed to the GRND wire. This can be useful if you have multiple circuits that go to the same outcome, but will prevent sending a charge the wrong direction.

    It'd be useful.
  • Racer-Delux
    4th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    PSCN conducts to NSCN, NSCN doesn't conduct to PSCN

    yes, but the smallest current one way wire is m + empty + NSCN + PSCN + empty + metal. Making a substance like NSCN, but give it insulator properties would make this much easier to do.
  • malogalicious
    4th Aug 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • Racer-Delux
    4th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Oh one other idea that would be nice.

    Zoning. This is not what you would think as a normal element. Zoning would be made to help the user organize complex circuits.

    How zoning works:
    The users has around 10 colors to choose from, most likely in its own menu. When the user selects a color, it uses the wall shape brush. The user then click wherever they wish to apply that color. The special think about zoning is that it will not replace anything under it, just recolor it.
  • Alle1339
    4th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    what about something like stickman (but you cant move him with arrows ofc.) but you can add many more? they behave like regular stickman (flies away with shockwawe and can die) it would be really cool to use in bomb tests etc

    please answer me