• Tetracon
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    we have things like that already. allow me to introduce you all to one of the first elements in TPT. its called Clone (CLNE) and its newer relatives: (PCLN) electronic clone, and (BCLN) breakable clone. its very simple to use the (PCLN) all you have to do is draw some PCLN. then you connect some PSCN and NSCN to the PCLN, and then SPRK the PSCN, add the element you want to the PCLN, then SPRK the NSCN to turn it off.
  • Gangsta
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Hey guys, new guy here again. Heres something i discovered: the pipe can suck in any particle that moves except the Stickman. They should let the Stickman get sucked in the pipe. Just something i discovered
  • smjjames
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Actually, pipe won't accept photons and maybe neutrons, still, sounds like a fun idea here.
  • Neospector
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    an electronic which generates neutrons when activated would be quite useful for nukes.

    That'd also get rid of the use of ewalls in most nukes. +1
  • Made2Shred
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    it would be good if u could set the heat of the neutrons although that might take away some of the fun
  • Alicaglayanrulzok
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink


    Duplicates itself when at 20-60 'C[/b] and has access to water.

    Destroys [b]PLNT
    and WOOD and turns it in to ROT.

    ROT decays slowly.

    Dies when over 100'C but can withstand temperatures up to -200'C.

    SALT can poison it.

    Cannot use DSTW.

    Bacteria could be a dark green colour and Rot could be a Blackish/brown colour.
  • tian110796
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    Put on top of non-solids and the particle will not change position (will not move, like a solid), unless state change or chemical change has acted upon it.

    Useful for making more realistic clouds (water vapor that does not move).

    Or maybe an area pause (pauses the simulation in a specific area, instead of the whole screen).

    More stickman (Not the one that has been rejected many times, it does not move and is something like LOLZ or LOVE that is shaped like a stickman). This makes more realistic citizens. Maybe it has HP but still, it does not move. Use is for lots torture devices in a save (instead of adding STKM after each torture device or using human-shaped wood, use the one above). It would be best if it has many sizes (Looks like a giant boss stickman you should battle in the end of a series).
  • Beta-Tester_001
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I don't know what you could use it for but GOLD :D

    New Firework.
    This will change it to the explosion on circles in each other which is a random colour chosen by the computer.
  • MiXih
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    gold has been made
  • sillu129
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    TOPO <- that is pretty much the explanation