TPTMP .84 is released. I really recommend you use the script manager so you can update from there. We also have another update prepared (probably 1.0), which will be released when the next version of TPT comes out. But for now, this is a temporary / older version so that the server location can be updated to instead of Update as soon as possible, since the original server at won't be up for much longer.
Changes: Version .84: Update server address to eventually point to new location Rate limit messages sent to the server Better line wrapping Support AIRBLOCK wall Support Lua 5.2
Updated TPTMP to .85, this fixes AIR and VAC being reversed (when you drew AIR on your screen, it was VAC on everyone else's screen ...). The bug was reported two months ago, I just didn't see the report until now.
Also, I created an album with some tptmp pictures here: . They were all taken a while ago, I just put them all in one spot now.
@nj(View Post) See the first post. you either download it and save it as autorun.lua, or download the script manager to get it, or use my mod.
Also I just made this download for the script manager and TPTMP together, just put it next to Powder.exe. It is probably the easiest option:
TPT 91.0 will allow you to just type a simple command in the console to download this. But for now it is a bit more work.
@Spiblast(View Post) Sadly, TPTMP does magical tricks to the keyboard in order to support different layouts, and for right now typing a slash for me is broken at least. Using both the - key (the same place as US-layout /, but on the Estonian and Swedish layout) and the numpad's divide key doesn't work. However, if you set your keyboard layout to the US layout, it starts to work again. Just check out this image: