Perhaps carbon can only form from pressurized CO2 only if the temperature of the CO2 is below 1000 celsius. At higher temperatures, nothing happens to CO2 when pressurized, allowing for CO2 fusion to occur when the required temperatures are reached. Alternatively, allow tau particles to cause CO2 fusion like muons do for HYGN.
hmmm...You have many good ideas. After the next release would you like to code them and be mod staff?
WTF? where did that come from?
Unfortunately, I don't have a clue on how to code anything. As for mod staff, that seems like a good idea.
Yes but what could you do if you don't code?
Perhaps test features to make sure they work right?
Yea sure you can be the clean-up bug tester. I test it and I think it works, then I send it to you, and you test it and report bugs to me. After I finish with antiquark, strange quark, charmm quark, meson and fixing fusion I will send it to you.
FireFreak? are you ever on IRC and do you have TeamViewer?
Sometimes I go IRC on #powder to seek modding assistance in code, and I have teamviewer, but I am also switching PC's soon so I'm moving everything to there. It will run so much faster than this 1 GB tiny not-even-pentium netbook.