Hey dude i seen something interesting in your mod when i pause make a ball and then make another ball when paused they link and when one stops the other one does too they are kinda like an invisible element it's cool mabye you can make an actual link element to link them and other particles too
everything is OK, but how do I exit the "FIND" mode!?
This mod seems to execute while loops in Lua noticibly faster than the official build does. I assume Lua 5.2 is the reason for this?
Sometimes when I select a lua script from the script manager, it just doesn't work (Show elements, features etc). Sometimes it just works in a single tab, or when I restart the mod it's gone.
P.S. Feynman's mod doesn't have this bug. Maybe because "Better Lua Interpretion"???
I already tried what you said. Also strange, disabled scripts show in online tab :P. I'm not even kiddin. I didn't have that many elements on screen and there was only 1 tab open. I just had a few scripts. Some failed, some worked.