Jacob1's Mod

  • jacob1
    7th Jul 2015 Developer 1 Permalink
    @ChargedCreeper (View Post)
    There is a wiki guide for compiling tpt using visual studio


    The first probably has some unnecessary stuff (data/generated folder) but is overall better, the second might have some missing stuff (like needing regex.lib)
  • _Theo
    8th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Hey dude i seen something interesting in your mod when i pause make a ball and then make another ball when paused they link and when one stops the other one does too they are kinda like an invisible element it's cool mabye you can make an actual link element to link them and other particles too 

  • jacob1
    8th Jul 2015 Developer 1 Permalink
    Version 31.2 Released!

    Version 31.2 7/8/15
    Fix crash when scrolling in profile viewer. Update profile viewer to allow editing biography/location, add buttons to open the profile or edit the profile / avatar on the website. Large internal code refactors. Make active walls less glowy. Improvements to PWHT and BALL drawing. Tooltips when hovering over link signs. Simulation updates from tpt++.

    Version 31.2 (build 58) 7/8/15
    Fix error message when commenting on saves, fix ALT modifier key.

    Tons of work went into this small update. I reimplemented textboxes and buttons for the new interface code, which are now used in the profile viewer. Those two are enough to implement the save preview UI in the new interface next, which will be the real test that it all works, but I think it will. If you do notice any problem in the profile viewer, definitely say so now, since more and more interfaces are going to get rewritten.

    Plans for redoing the save preview are adding in avatars, making the text on the left side selectable (a given), showing both save date and last updated date in local time, and showing whatever other information the server sends but isn't displayed (number of comments / comment pages).

    I also want to add alternate save server support soon, starting with Lockheedmartin's server. I can't do that until I update the way save searching is done, which still uses the way we used in 2012.

    Download Version 31.2 for Mac OS X 10.6+
    Download Version 31.2 for 64 bit linux.
    Download Version 31.2 for 32 bit linux.

    Edit: small bugfix update to this
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 9th Jul 2015
  • DimaFromRussia
    11th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink
    everything is OK, but how do I exit the "FIND" mode!?

  • jacob1
    11th Jul 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @DimaFromRussia (View Post)
    Press Ctrl+F, or go into the FAV2 menu and press the 'FIND' button a few times.


    Also i'm probably going to update the mac version today, but in the meantime if you find any bugs definitely report them. The one I know about in the mac version is that deco color almost always loads as pure white, I already fixed it but was waiting to see if there were any more bugs I needed to fix.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 11th Jul 2015
  • ChargedCreeper
    15th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink


    This mod seems to execute while loops in Lua noticibly faster than the official build does. I assume Lua 5.2 is the reason for this?


  • jacob1
    16th Jul 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @ChargedCreeper (View Post)
    I don't know, it could be. Lua5.2 isn't particularly faster as far as I know.
  • Alt-Factorial
    16th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Sometimes when I select a lua script from the script manager, it just doesn't work (Show elements, features etc). Sometimes it just works in a single tab, or when I restart the mod it's gone.


    P.S. Feynman's mod doesn't have this bug. Maybe because "Better Lua Interpretion"???



  • jacob1
    16th Jul 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Alt-Factorial (View Post)
    Feynman's mod doesn't have anything that makes its lua "better", his uses luajit, mine uses lua5.2, and TPT uses lua5.1. Lua5.2 is the newest and most official out of all of these, luajit is faster at pure lua but i'm not sure if that makes TPT scripting much better.

    But anyway, which specific scripts are you trying to use? I've tested them all at some point but I can't guarantee they will always work. Especially if you load too many elements at once, you will hit the element cap and stuff will start to error. I suggest reopening the script manager and it will print in its console window if there were any errors running the script.

    Scripts that don't work in my mod are disabled from showing up in the "online" tab, this is basically only stuff that uses the interface api.
  • Alt-Factorial
    16th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I already tried what you said. Also strange, disabled scripts show in online tab :P. I'm not even kiddin. I didn't have that many elements on screen and there was only 1 tab open. I just had a few scripts. Some failed, some worked.