Game of Life (GoL) Particles?

  • Wilq15
    19th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    maybe a generic organism [ORGM]

    ORGM? Orgasm? XD but I think that pilojo is right about Birds they can be fun.. we had stickman why not birds?
  • Catelite
    19th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Ideas about GoL particles you guys. This isn't the off-topic section. \o/

    If you don't know exactly how these work then feel free to browse the wikipedia page so it makes more sense.

    These particles only emulate life in a metaphorical and systematic sense. The reason I'm dragging the idea here is because TPT needs more interesting mechanics to toy with, and this being an entirely different type of cellular automata, might have uses inside Powder Toy.

    The GoL particles wouldn't be in the same league as normal particles. They don't follow the same rules for movement at all, but it would be AWESOME if some particles interacted with GoL particles by slowly becoming GoL particles themselves by random chance. o.o

    The main issue being that GoL particles live and die according to the number of neighbors they have, so interacting with solid particles might not work as planned.
  • Wilq15
    19th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Like advanced Virus in Dan Balls PG? Yes that could be cool. fore me!
  • pilojo
    19th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    hmm if its like dan balls virus that could be useful in some inventions.
  • Catelite
    19th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    This is a small java program that shows what GoL is.
  • Kavukamari
    19th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Can someone code this first of all, just to experiment with it, and then afterward we can figure out a function for the particles?

    I really wanna try this in TPT

    Also you have to add any-sizable zoom as well, so that we can build complex life thingies without moving around the zoom camera too much :P

    I believe life particles should conduct electricity though

    Maybe we can have a special tool that changes any particle to work as a life particle would
  • Catelite
    19th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Life particles that would conduct electricity as quickly as their own frame rate would be awesome.

    Also, no one's said it couldn't be done. On the IRC it sounds like it'd be easily possible.
  • bbqroast
    19th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    UIf you mean living particles i thnk something like "termite" (TRM) could be added.
    When its touching wood which is moist (see below) it duplicates.
    When its cold or hot it dies.
    When its freezing (as in say -100) it becomes unactive (UTRM)
    TRM could be TRMT but:
    What if there were different types of termite e.g. (TRM1,TRM2,TRM3,TRM4).
    TRM1 and TRM2/TRM3 and TRM 4 will make more termites together (providing TRM2 or TRM4 has more than 100 life).
    TRM1 and TRM3 could be aggresive while TRM2 and TRM4 could get along together.
    TRM2 could give TRM3 life points when they meet while TRM1 could steal TRM4's life points.

    Ethier a new HUD could be added(see hud) or some elements (e.g. wood and stone) have it (see life). TRM grows at 30+ moist and 30-40 degrees.
    Things spawn at %22 moist or NA... Certain elements will soake up water (in different ways- brick and wood could soak up liquids while other things might take in steam).
    Same as HUD except its rated in life and can be 0-100
  • Catelite
    19th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    ...This is not an element suggestion thread. This has nothing to do with termites, though it seems interesting. >_>
  • pilojo
    19th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    If you want to code that go ahead cause thats like a few days of coding.