Duuuhhhh.... make movin' solidsssssssssssssssss.... duuhhhhh.
XD I think you should definitely add a gravity thing that makes constant gravity and pressure and can be changed to negative or positive gravity and pressure with the console
hmm. why not make something powered like for instance powered FILT. it will stay the same color it currently is until it is turned on. when it turns on, it will be able to change temp and color. for photons. the uses would be more controlled photon colors, better thermostats, ect.
you could make more semi conductors as well , i mean >100 and <100 isnt all that accurate..even if it was like 10 different ones going up by 100 degrees, like A is 0-100 B is 101-200 and so on<br /> better explosives, I.E. c4 that actually acts like c4 instead of something akin to an m80.....
a conductor that changes the speed it conducts at relative to temp, like every 500 degrees it changes from wate r"lvl" to inst "lvl"at whatever temp you stop at, id think it not conducting heat would be best , also i think going cold (higher speeds) to hotter ( slower speeds)
wifi that doesnt fail under gravity
powered heaters/coolers
an array that creates a solid/stable beam (not the "flashing" we have now) that has bray points that last a LONG time...or until red bray beams hit it :P
along with the em/radiation stuff from my last post and the stuff above i want more circuitry stuff XD nothing in particular but still :P
A powder is solid state of matter that moves, thus it is a "moving solid".
@pilojo GLBL - Glue ball A glue-ball is a sphere of gluons. It becomes denser when it gets hotter or faster (velocity). It decreases in density when it is cooled. When moving, it slows down and becomes heavier. It is bouncy. It starts out very light (no weight). It has the electrical insulation properties of insulator. It becomes denser by touching spark. It can only be destroyed by falling off screen or falling into void/bhle/vacu.