A lot of people tend to confuse explosives with other elements that we already have :P anything that EXPLODES, like as in BOOM with a bunch of big fire and what not, is an explosive, wether it's a powder or liquid or whatever. Anything that just burns like wood or coal or wax or something isn't an explosive.
C-4 explodes when caught on fire, Rubidium explodes when touched by water. I just want an explosive that explodes just when touched by fire and not under intense pressure.
D: There are so many suggestions! I'm thinking of trying my hand on developing an element creator. Like it changes variables in the code on a GUI interface. User's could use arrows. Because it's sooo hard for people to make elements. I might/might not make this.
Lockheedmartin I was actually thinking of the same thing, but I wasn't quite sure how to let the user write code not in the arrays (like the glow code or the code for electricity).
it's something that's bothered me since the very first release (aka back when that first guy was working on it) and for the longest time I wanted it changed, but even since before Simon was working on it I've pretty much gotten used to it.