
  • Fluttershy
    23rd Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    More than crappy but I won't the use the prefered word here...
  • Thecool
    23rd Feb 2011 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • Catelite
    23rd Feb 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Actually it's not that many people being banned. xD Not compared to the number of users out there playing.
  • pegosh2
    23rd Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Thanks for your sympathy though. My little brother, I know, voted up my stuff. I also voted up all his things, no matter what it was. But how do they draw the conclusion that we are abusing multiple accounts? I guess I can see room for suspicion, but not a full on ban! I don't know. I'm beginning to not care. I just don't like the idea that it is that easy and that my brother's upset when he gets home from school today.
  • Sylvi
    23rd Feb 2011 Moderator 0 Permalink
    We reach the conclusion when there are spikes on the graph, and other account on the same IP. If the spike is sharp within a few seconds or minutes, like 5 votes in the same minute, then we get suspicious.
  • pegosh2
    23rd Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    5 votes on the same sim or different sims? Also, I don't understand how we got banned then... Explain further? ( I am a little slow)
  • Catelite
    23rd Feb 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Also, we can see very easily when a single address has more than one account voting for a single save, and it's severely against the rules.
  • pegosh2
    23rd Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @shroom207 I am plenty aware of the rules. I am sure, as my little brother and I only have select access to the internet, which doesn't include anything other than educational sites and pandora, that my mother and father would not have done this. So, I am at a dead end here. *scratches head* I don't even see how, as lockheedmartin suggested, any admin could be suspicious. Maybe another reason?

    @ Catelitte Although I cannot speak 100% for my parents, I can speak 99.9% for them. I highly highly doubt there was any abuse. I know that my parents have voted up my works. I don't know when or in what quantity. So where do we stand?
  • Catelite
    23rd Feb 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Multiple votes from the same address that isn't explicitly a school or other similar address == Ban. It's not that complicated.
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