@JeremyF The keys are here: http://i.imgur.com/vvPQG.png. For some inane reason that Cr15py cited, some moderators/administrator possess the immaturity to hide this for some reason. I have no doubt even this post will be altered.
to access the secret settings, you must delete System32 that controls the allowance software that holds certain things in protection, such as passwords, Simon is such a silly poop that he equipped the powder toy to operate under this allowance software.
To delete system32, you must Go to My Computer
Press Ctrl F
This opens the find tool, type in the search bar "System32" without the quotations and set the search range to "all files and folders"
You should get 2 results of System32
Right click properties on both of them and find the one that is smaller in size.
Delete the smaller one, YOU MAY GET A WARNING NOT TO DELETE THIS, this is ok because its simply trying to sway you away from deleting it.