How in the WORLD do filt adders work??

  • Rons
    10th December Member 0 Permalink

    thank you so much man my brain couldnt understand that it was pretty much like an irl adder but the filt logic gates take in 30 inputs instead of 2. just having a lil problem with passing the outputs to the next adder but ill try to figure it out

    Edited 2 times by Rons. Last: 10th December
  • Jerehmia
    11th December Member 0 Permalink

    In the FILT logic setup post above I demonstrated how to read BRAY wavelengths into a FILT with an LDTC. You can also use an LDTC to read another FILT's ctype instead of a BRAY's wavelengths, just point the LDTC at the FILT you're reading from: use LDTC's life property so set its distance from the FILT you're reading from.


    Tip: also set the LDTC's trmp to 1 so the LDTC only reads from the pixel you point it at instead of a possible FILT/BRAY somewhere beyond. This way the LDTC just won't work if you didn't aim it correctly instead of producing weird results, which will save you a lot of headaches (trust me).

    Edited once by Jerehmia. Last: 11th December
  • Rons
    12th December Member 0 Permalink

    Imagem i mostly use ldtc. my problem rn is that i cant get the cyan value to the empty filt at bottom of image

    Edited once by Rons. Last: 12th December
  • Jerehmia
    12th December Member 0 Permalink

    Use the LDTC diagonally.

  • Rons
    12th December Member 0 Permalink

    i fixed it later but ty imma ask for help here if i need urhm can u check it im not sure if i stacked them right The Powder Toy - Adder please tell me this is ... by Rons

    Edited once by Rons. Last: 12th December
  • Jerehmia
    13th December Member 0 Permalink

    I'm afraid you can't construct a fast adder this way because you're transporting data against the direction in which particles are updated. I'd make a sequential adder first if I were you, this way you can focus single half adder before you have to worry about particle update order.


    About the adder itself: first, don't forget about the 30th always-on bit, it really has to be maintained and the two input FILTs on top need them set too. Second, if you XOR the same bitpatterns/numbers together the result will always be all zeroes, so not only do you have to OR in a 30th bit after you XOR two values with the 30th bit set, but you also have to make sure that there is another BRAY wit just the 30th bit set for your LDTC to detect. If the XOR BRAY is annihilated and you don't set up a second BRAY there is no BRAY for your LDTC + FILT to read, so it will hold on to the wavelengths from the previous addition, which is incorrect.


    The FILT addter intricacies save above demonstrates how to tacle the XOR annihilation problem, and it's update order compliant too, so it can be used in a fast adder.

    Edited once by Jerehmia. Last: 13th December
  • Rons
    13th December Member 0 Permalink

    goodness ok ill make a sequential adder instead

  • Jerehmia
    14th December Member 0 Permalink

    One more tip: reading FILT ctypes and setting LDTC properties can be tedious, and there are scripts and mods to make things easier. The "Subframe Chipmaker Script" has extended HUD features like displalying FILT modes and numerical FILT ctypes if you mouse hover over particles, and a configure mode (accessed by pressing the C key) that lets you set LDTC properties visually. There also is a Subframe Chipmaker mod witth even more features but I'm not sure whether @mark2222 still maintains it.