V3.0 update released!
Bigger simulation option buttons
Fix bug where hovermode and simulation options won't detect clicks properly after clicking outside simulation area.
New update checker for the script: Will notify you if a new update is released. Independent of script manager.
How to update:
If you are running the script without script manager then just repeat the installation steps, it will overwrite the existing script with new one.
However, if you are running it via script manager then it will show a new update once you open it.
If you use the script regularly then you are requested to update to v3.0 so that you never miss updates in future.
I could add those options if copy/ paste events were included in lua API. Unfortunately they are not and will require support from official version side. If they get added in future then sure I will release an update that lets you do it from script menu.
lol i will download and use it on pc
I don't remember the details but I think it already works with eraser, elements and walls.
Make sure you are using the latest v3.0.
How do I delete it?
Use the line tool from menu and set the fan wall strength using the same. Fan wall support is already there.
Depends on how you installed it. You can delete it from manager or just replace it with some other script if you can't access the folder where the script is downloaded.
I did not know because I didn't know that is how you could do it I thought it would just place stuff thanks
Edit: I tested it and I confirmed your correct again thank you and now I can make actually functional cooling system