UPDATE: I got it working to repeat over and over (with the help of two more gates).
Just don't hold the activator metal too long, or you'll set off that electricity bug that generates infinite electricity (I'm sure you know what I'm talking about).
If you want, just make activator a single line so it's impossible to activate the bug.
All right, with logic gates completely made by Ad (thanks!), and a lot of tinkering with silicon on my own, I finally made it the smallest I could get it.
But back to the original point of the thread...if you want to use this in an adder or something, it's definitely not feasible if you need it multiple times, so maybe an e-wall switch could come in handy.
This was my first experience with working with semiconductors, and I learned a lot. Thanks!
Yes, this is what I was thinking. While using logic gates and e-wall is great if you only need it once, if you need it multiple times, the use of logic gates to acheive this effect can get quite cumbersome. Thank you, bchandark, for your valuable work!