Have you stopped to wonder how heavy three particles of PLUT is? :P metal never conducted instantly, I hate to tell you. :/ Photons can't travel the speed of light because they're already established as a set-speed particle and aren't likely going to be changed just for "accuracy."
If you want instant-travel rays, use ARAY element.
Does not make sense. Truly defies laws of physics. Please fix.
Powder Toy will never NOT defy laws of physics, because it doesn't accurately emulate them. It isn't going to happen.
Also photons travel at the speed of light, same as electricity.
Slightly digressing here, but you may as well bring it up now than never. Anyone got any feedback on my examples of uses?
pilojo I am only stopping there because I can't think of anything else they could do that wouldn't make developers like Cracker64's lives harder than usual. Also, I can't think of any more anyway.
Videogamer555 TPT may be a falling sand physics game, but it is only a game, a simulation. It is not real, and if something is not real you can do what you like with it. It doesn't have to abide by the laws of physics (or chemistry or biology), simply because it isn't imperative. It is the developers' choices to make the game realistic, and if they choose not to, tough luck, just live with it.
Also, basic electronics, electricity does not travel at the speed of light. If it did, you wouldn't be able to see it. Look at any slow motion lightning strike.
Thimo It isn't bullshit because some realistic stuff can be useful, other will slow the hell outa TPT and be useless at the same F**KING TIME. So NO, point NOT made.
I agree with the suggestion, though I have one small change: Liquid platinum should not have the delay water has between sparks (hold SPRK over WATR and then METL for a few seconds, you'll see what I mean).
For palladium: I don't think they should be affected by neutrons (what if you wanted to hold neutrons?).
Also, can the particles be released? How? Sponge works with pressure. Maybe electricity?
GameslayerX2 Yes, I agree with everything that you are saying here. It could be really useful, especially the liquid Platinum, since it doesn't evaporate. I say all these are good ideas, +1.