Why is PPIP indestructible?

  • tmo97
    20th Jul 2016 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • LaylaSaturn
    21st Jul 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @NorthMustang (View Post) Well TPT needs to cater for both the people who like to explode things, the people who like to wire things up, and the artists out there. So stop harshing my melow, man.


  • NorthMustang
    22nd Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Instead of using diversionary tactics like the party on the other side of this argument, I'll give it to you plainly... How about you consider wire transporters (WTPT), that act like wires which, when activated with PSCN at one end, will pick up, and carry a particle to the other end, and vice versa... They would melt and turn into melted wire transopter (MWTP) at something like 1000 degrees.

    Edited 2 times by NorthMustang. Last: 22nd Sep 2016