Make the resolution of the game HD.

  • ChrisTheCreator
    15th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @mniip (View Post)

     Doesn't mean multithreading it is impossible. Many games with particle simulation use it. Look at Ship Sinking simulator 1.3. That uses particle-based soft-body physics WITH mutlithread.

  • ChargedCreeper
    15th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink


    For me what seems to cause lag for me a lot of times is the air/pressure simulation (lag often goes away as soon as I reset it with =).

  • mniip
    15th Jul 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @ChrisTheCreator (View Post)
    Once again, a whole lot of things in TPT depend on particle update order.
  • billion57
    15th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Perhaps the window could be split up into two or three or four different strips next to each other? Like [ | | | ], each with its own thread. The borders of the sections would be rather glitchy, but it's a small price.

  • jacob1
    15th Jul 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post)
    "The borders of the sections would be rather glitchy" is exactly what we are talking about though.

    If all elements could only interact with the stuff next to them it might be a bit easier, but things like ARAY / PSTN can affect elements across the entire simulation.

    @ChargedCreeper (View Post)
    air could easily be multithreaded, it is practically designed like that already :P
  • ChrisTheCreator
    28th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     The devs of the game could add thread sync to sync up all the threads. If one thread doesnt update, the others will stop until the thread updates.

  • FeynmanLogomaker
    28th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    even with that, higher resolutions would be really laggy