Maybe it could turn into BCOL with ctype CBNF to make it non-flammable. Similar to TUNG turning into BRMT with ctype TUNG to give it a higher melting point.
Here is a list of it's features, updated so that it is more specific.
-Turns into BCOL (ctype CBNF) When heated to over 3500 celcius
-Same pressure resistance as QRTZ at default temperature
-Doesn't conduct electricity
-Reduces pressure to 0 quickly
-ACID and CAUS corrodes it very slowly
-Has a texture like quartz, but darker than coal, and not blue.
-if heated above 2000 degrees, 1px thick diagonal lines that are a slightly lighter colour with life of 500 will randomly appear over a long time, and turn into coal (ctype CBNF) when their life goes to 0
-Blocks sparks like insl
COAL and BCOL with ctype CBNF are not flammable.
The main problem so far is that it makes other things (QRTZ, INSL, etc) almost completely redundant, can anyone think of a way so that it doesn't do this?
No one would use it near sparks then, making it's insulation purpose useless.
it is not redundant. a weak insulator like insl is preferable sometimes.