Computer Illiterate

  • yew101
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    this really happened
    a kid in my class = kid
    me/alex = me

    kid = hey alex i sa ur powdertoy mod, ts been spreading round the school!
    me = really?
    kid = yes how do you code it?

    *me = shows him how to code a simple diamond element*

    kid = o.0
    me = get it
    kid = o.0
    me = but i just told you
    kid = oooohhh i wasnt listening

    *me = shows him how to code a simple diamond element again*

    me = did you listen that time?
    kid = yes!
    me = did you get it?
    kid = nope

    *after several more tries*

    me = you get it yet?
    kid = no
    *me = puts my hand up*
    techer = yes?
    me = im going out side for a second
    teacher = ok?????

    *i walk out side*

    *me = raging and banging head on railing*

    *me = walks in with lump in forehead*
    teacher = what happened to your head?
    me = i drank some smart juice and my brain expanded

    next event:
    same guy

    kid = how do you open internet explorer again?
    me = click the icon.....
    kid = what does internet explorer stand for anyway?
    waits 30 seconds

    kid = got it!

  • RedFlash
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Would that be by any chance, Mick?
    Garenteed Headbangs all round
  • Neospector
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    You guys know Pocket God for the iPhone? You guys that code can guess how hard it'd be to code it, right?
    Comment on 31st update:
    This was 2 days after the update.
  • trystanr
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Lol, well, we were in it, and this guy cant exactly use a computer, so he pulls out the spacebar, he then starts pulling other keys out. I asked him, dude, what r u doing, nd hes like, watch. He wrote unlucky on the keyboard, the whole class came and was like, dude wtf, how do u do that and i was just sitting there
  • cooldaddy96
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I found the website where the story from my last post:

  • Made2Shred
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    i drank some smart juice and my brain expanded

  • Mur
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Me: I hate Microsoft because Windows really sucks!
    Friend: How you can hate the ones that created the computer???
    Me: *FACEPALM*

    Some days later...

    Me: *Show my ZX Spectrum* This computer is from 1982
    Friend: You really sucks, computers doesn't exists at 80's
    Me: *FACEPALM*
  • cooldaddy96
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I saw some guy on youtube:

    I'll admit, I faked the photo. But I didn't use photoshop because I had a mac. All I used was iMovie, Microsoft word and my DSlite.
  • Candunc
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Me: What are you doing to the computer?
    Kid: Getting rid of the keys
    Me: Why?
    Kid: Because I made a mistake
    Me: That button there is backspace, it gets rid of the keys
    Kid: *Rips it off of the keyboard* It didn't get rid of the other keys
    Me: *Smashing my face into the desk*
    Kid: What are you doing?
    Me: You broke the Computer!
    Kid: No, I removed the keys...
    Me: *Continues smashing my face into the desk

    The next week...

    Me: Where is that kid?
    Friend: He got expelled
    Me: Why?
    Friend: He stole 50 bucks and broke two computers
    Me: Yes! He is gone! He broke another one?
  • Joe-Cool
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Ohh, conversation with my uncle:

    Uncle: So, ****, I hear you're a computer whiz, right?
    Me: Right.
    Uncle: So, my son got me a new computer, set it up and everything, but I've got a problem.
    Me: Ok. What is it?
    Uncle: On my, uhh, background, desk-thingy... uhh...
    Me: Desktop?
    Uncle: Yeah, that's right. Anyway, I've got two of the same thing on my, thing, and I can't get rid of the other.
    Me: Oh! You know what you have to do?
    Uncle: What?
    Me: Just drag the second icon into the trash bin.
    Uncle: Icon? What's that?

    I didn't facepalm then since he's my uncle, and I had to hold back my snicker then.
    He's a truck driver.