Yeah, perhaps. I just went off wind from the main concept that the only way to me that a computer built on this mode would be viable was that every single part of the computer or particle used must have derived from reactions formed with more basic elements. Meaning having to discover, create and accumulate your resources or particles before you can use them to build something. If you could 'discover' and name particles anything and then say you made a computer I'd see it not so much different from just opening up normal TPT and building the computer without having to 'rediscover' the elements used. But saying you accumulated the resources to build that design makes you advanced amongst other players on that mode. My 'civilization idea with multiple TPT group/collab planets' was just a crazy extension to the basic game mechanics I was trying to imply. I'd like to have a mass/energy conservation notion with such a resource design and have to figure out what constitutes the matter we are simply displacing and rearranging. Plus, what defines how we 'mine' stuff for building saves, how we store it, and what equipment we use to produce new elements? And inventing 'civs' that you manage to administer all this 'resource flow infrastructure' for you.
Many different ways and ranges to which you could implement a resource based element discovery system. It was also for the whole idea of bringing a new dimension to TPT community.
This idea seems good at first, but then you realise that it would be confusing to see someone saying they built something out of PLNT but they called GRVT PLNT because it acts like a planet. This would make a great mod though.
Also, the custom category thing would be a great solution to the confusing categories at the moment, I can't see much wrong with that. I also think the custom element descriptions would be useful too.
Why don't this be a sequel to The Powder Toy. It'd be a hit of a sequel. Kind of like Powder Game and Powder Game 2! except this would be be the storyline, of how the elements came to be. But its a great idea. Game name: The Powder Universe.
Sigh, perhaps. Not sure about C++ development in the powder realm as of yet but once I've cleared up or organized my other side projects, presently mostly in Java, I'll begin setting up my precious Word docs and getting writing up some ideas whilst theorizing program structure. This would probably have to be quite some large collaborative project enlisting the support of many players as a thing they actually want. We'll see. Still a limited number of the population who actually goes on these forums it seems.
"The Powder Universe. Essentially a giant item creating, resource gathering, economy, government, population and technology design civilization management game, essentially almost just like the ideas I've been developing for a very large scale 3D civ management game with both abstract and 'slightly physicalized' game mechanics in the last few months except that a complete 2D particle based physics and game engine plus server and GUI framework already exists for it. Wunderbar! People of all personalities, fields, interests, abilities, proficiencies, and reaches of the world working on putting together all aspects of a universe of our own creation. Quantum physics 'geeks, dare I say; I could happily be one if I had the time to understand the mathematical formulation of it' at the bottom making actual use of that subatomic particles mod someone made to produce baryonic matter, chemists 'figuring out' the chemical composition of BIZR or INST, scientists doing other work, leaders designing society, engineers developing computers and other stuff, businessmen or people into economy managing virtual powder toy companies and businesses, your average joe making great things and finding new stuff they like whilst having an educational ride through everything that makes this world tick." Will we be able to cutomize are characters? also I like this idea.
Hmm, characters. Not sure if we'll have stickmen cabinet ministers walking around the planet surface. Perhaps to the least have some GUI access opening you up to your 'minister' profile plus giving you access to whatever aspects of economy, administration or production you have control over.