We might not necessarily share the same opinion, but what I see interesting/fun in NTRI are at least the ability to arbitrarily heat/cool things, the Newtonian Gravity-inducing DEUT fission and the fact that it passes through some of the walls. In my opinion these features as a new element would be a fresh addition.
The speed is a relatively minor feature and would've most likely been better to introduce whenever the question of speed would've been asked.
Clone materials. Or PLUT with tmp 1 (which is URAN enriched by NTRI) emits some NTRI as well during fission.
I'm still thinking of some additional reactions. I'm also open for ideas now, so if you think you have a good idea, you can post it and I will consider.
Perhaps a reaction where a neutrino can rarely change NEUT into PROT? This is based on what happens in radiochemical neutrino detectors where neutrinos can change chlorine into argon.
That seems a good idea, I'll try coding something like it.
Currently only NTRI-producing reaction is to use DEUT or PLUT with tmp1. I'd agree to have some additional reactions that produce NTRI as well. Maybe FSEP with low temperature and low gravity could cause it to react somehow?
EDIT: I have added some new reactions to the PR now.