Well, let's say I wanted to use a USB memory stick. Same problem. It is not outdated, and is actually quite useful. I want to move all my stamps, saves, and preferences, but NOT the game itself.
ddir doesn't do anything as far as I can tell. The TPT terminal accepts the command but nothing changes.
Don't put it in the TPT console, put it in the command line arguments.
http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/command-line-switches-for-excel-HA010158030.aspx tells you how to use command line arguments with Excel. Follow instructions but adapt them for TPT. It probably needs to be something like "C:\wherever\powder.exe" ddir A:\
I'll search that up. Using mac btw.
(cd /dev/disk1 && ~/tpt/powder)inside an actual terminal window to run TPT in that directory, since the Terminal on OSX should be Bash.
diskutil listto find the name of where your Floppy disk mounted itself inside the Unix-y file system.