It's likely Simon transitioned from human time format (10-21-2010 14:59:34) to Unix time stamp format.
What is that save? Seems strange with a meme "I DUNNO LOL" scripted save? I just try to search it but its none.
What is IRC?? A conversation channel? Or a...
I didn't notice it.. Maybe an error or a bug.
Why some saves are published at year 1969 and month June? O.o
It is the save that is displayed when the original save trying to be displayed is invalid or was deleted. You can't find it by searching because it is locked.
IRC is Internet Relay Chat.
Some saves are published in 1969 because at one point the server crashed so all the dates got deleted so simon gave them that date.
save id:2 doesn't exist, along with all the others in that range of numbers.
No, none of the saves from the old server are here. @jacksonmj has them from Skylark and they can be searched on jacksonmj's view only server.
Not a simple server crash doesn't wipe the data from saves. They're stored in two places.
Nope, settled in an IRC conversation just now:
Back then publish times were not saved, so nowadays publish times are set to 0, which is the epoch (1970), which due to time zones ends up in 1969.