I Was Banned?

  • Protcom
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    If my family members want to be a member of this game, I will use their Gmail accounts and make for each one an account from their Gmail(because they use samsung galaxy) so we can be more careful about rule #2 after asking about it and making sure that this is allowed.

  • Sylvi
    31st May 2014 Moderator 1 Permalink

    @Protcom (View Post)

     The system records via IP addresses (and magic). Unless you have different IP addresses, there's no distinction to us. Which even then you'd need to keep a clear eye on not voting on each others' saves.

    Edited once by Lockheedmartin. Last: 31st May 2014
  • greymatter
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @Protcom (View Post)
    To use different accounts without these accounts showing up as belonging to one person, you'll need a separate internet connection for each account...
  • Protcom
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @greymatter (View Post)

    Everyone will login with separated network is that going to work ?


    By the way I am not planning to do that because it is very confusing game for my family even my older brother who is an engineerer can't learn it

  • greymatter
    1st Jun 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    @Protcom (View Post)
    Confusing? Really?

    Logging in with different internet connections will work. Separating the same connection won't.
  • jacksonmj
    1st Jun 2014 Developer 1 Permalink

    Provided you don't vote on each other's saves, family members having accounts and using the same internet connection is allowed, it is not a problem.

    If you vote on each other's saves accidentally, you are unlikely to get banned immediately. Just make sure you don't keep doing it.

    Edited once by jacksonmj. Last: 1st Jun 2014
  • greymatter
    1st Jun 2014 Member 2 Permalink
    But in today's world of nuclear families and feuds between siblings, who would share share a computer and internet connection let alone vote on each others saves?
  • h4zardz1
    2nd Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacksonmj (View Post)
    there is a low chance that someone has liked same saves, except there is a troll that knows the what saves that user like/dislike. (that troll will try to make the user banned by banning him/herself)
  • greymatter
    2nd Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @h4zardz1 (View Post)
    A family troll. How real.
Locked by jacob1: moderation issues should really be in a pm with a moderator