@minecraft-physics (View Post)
let me try to do an animation that descrips everything
you know that NSCN doen't give a signal to PSCN
in the second prototype or what ever NSCN was able to reach the end because PSCN didn't block the signal because spark can skip one point in the first prototype or what ever it is has two points that can block the signal
same with DTEC
@h4zardz1, There already is tmp2 if you look at the prop tool. Also, going off the idea here, what about just having conductive elements able to only be sparked by one element? For example, set tmp to x-cord and tmp2 to y-cord and only have the material sparked by something from that spot (can be sparked normally if tmp is at 0,0). Something like that?
i think type2 is not a good name (sorry) because type describes the kind of element and ctype describes the second type of type
Ctype is a temporary state of type i don't know what is "C" shortcut means
imagine that there are endless amount of types , you can make a lava that freeze into clone that clones lava that freeze into clone etc
That is a good idea except for 2 reasons:
1. DTEC already uses tmp2.
2. What about when you have a PSTN moving the conducter you want the DTEC to SPRK?
I love this idea, i believe the correct term for this sort of thing is a "diode." now what a diode is, is simply something that sends spark one way, but can't accept a spark in the other way for example if you had nscn->dtec(sprk)->pscn you could edit it so that the nscn would give SPRK to pscn through the DTEC(sprk). and if you sparked the pscn it would set off the dtec but not pass SPRK to nscn. this would effectively give DTEC all of the possible conductive properties possible. (except maybe PSCN->WWLD :P) which would obviously make it a very powerful element!
the only confusing part would be translating between element ID numbers and giving that number to DTEC so that it can know what it can conduct to.
so that would be "DTEC[ctype(x)][tmp1(y)][tmp2(z)]" where x= element you wish to Detect, y=element ID DTEC can conduct to & where z remains as the detection range. I don't think it needs to be more complicated than this. :)
edit:derp, diode. not a transist.
Wouldn't this mean that things like dmnd, coal and brck be sprkable? That could actually be quite useful, even if the sprk didn't conduct from there.