@Lockheedmartin (View Post) @jacob1 (View Post)
Actually, after a bit of poking around, there does appear to be a cancel button, which seems to work for me.
Go to the group where you have a pending registration (although I don't think there's an easy way of finding out which one this is if you've forgotten which one you've applied to).
Click "Awaiting membership" (it should be a button, to make it obvious it's clickable, but group styles are rather broken).
Click the Cancel button. This seems to work, if I haven't been accepted or rejected it removes me from the list of pending registrations.
If this doesn't work, then yeah, you're a bit stuck, the only person who can fix it is Simon. Moderators have no control over group membership, we can't reject pending registrations or remove people from groups we don't own. (Although as a matter of interest, do you see the same pages as above? Does it look exactly the same except clicking Cancel gives an error?).
(Since moderators are automatically members of all groups, I hadn't really looked at the registration side of groups before...)
the first page, yes
the second page doesnt come up. It just says: Cannot join group
You have reached the group registration limit.
This probably won't work, but you could try visiting https://powdertoy.co.uk/Groups/Page/Register.html?Group=1234&Cancel=Cancel (replace 1234 with the ID of the group), since that's where the Cancel button takes me.
nope, same thing