What instructions were those?
From the error messages, it looks like HETR.cpp isn't being compiled (since the missing functions it's complaining about should be in HETR.cpp).
I'm not really familiar with Visual Studio, but there may be something you need to do in addition to copying it to the correct folder to make sure HETR.cpp gets compiled - "adding it to the project" or something?
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/davidklinems/archive/2007/12/18/quick-tip-add-files-to-visual-studio-projects-the-easy-way.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/9f4t9t92%28v=vs.100%29.aspx
I think nucular is referring to the instruction on the second line (though it doesn't look like the cause of this particular problem):
//#TPT-Directive ElementClass Element_HETR PT_HETR 169 //You must change this line, replace HETR with your element's name and 169 with the first available id in generated/ElementClasses.h
The first link worked. clicking "show all files," then right clicking and selecting "Include in project" did the trick. My "mod" now has HETR in it and will compile without trouble. Thanks jacksonmj!
I think that the wiki tutorial for adding new elements should be edited to accomadate for this error. It doesn't mention anywhere to add it to the solution files with the visual studio.
In what context is this code for? What is it supposed to do, and where does it go?
Just wondering, is this really your 9th account? Even I didn't have 9 accounts, I think you just stole my record.
It's lua. Create a file called autorun in your Powder Toy directory, then copy & paste the code into it. Click "Save As", select All Files from the drop down box and name it autorun.lua
Run TPT, then it's done :D