• Catelite
    21st Aug 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    Stickman is a moving solid. :P


    So is wheel, slug, -anything- that moves and propagates that maintains itself distinctly as a whole of several parts.


    The only difference is with stickman, is that it only collides with particles. It isn't -made- of them.


    If you want a literal ball element, just add gravity to electrons/neutrons, and they function essentially the same way without the element identity copying. Any ball element in Powder Toy would basically be just like Stickman, in effect. Not hard to do at all, it just probably won't be as awesome :P

  • DanDuncombe
    21st Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Basically, all I wanted was a bouncy particle that can take on other's properties.

  • NF
    21st Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Play jacob1's mod it has ball!

  • mniip
    21st Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    jacob1 has made his balls finally sold inside
  • therocketeer
    21st Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @mniip (View Post)
    thats what she said.
  • Cacophony
    21st Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink this is deja vu

  • mniip
    21st Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @therocketeer (View Post)
    i was implying a what-she-said context already
  • jacob1
    21st Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    also in my mod you can make any element a moving solid, and the moving solid has the properties of the element you picked. Use the tpt.moving_solid() command for that.

    It won't be added to official ever, because it's very very glitchy and causes many problems. Also the code is ugly and scattered. They aren't any more laggy than other elements, but they don't really move exactly how you would hope a moving solid would. They tend to go through things before they bounce off, because collisions are not possible with the current tpt engine. The tpt simulation engine was not written with moving solids in mind, and it's much better this way since moving solids would cause it to be way too complicated. It's only a particle simulation game, it simulates individual particles only.
Locked by jacob1: sorry, rejected. Try my mod though :P