New elements and features!

  • candorgen
    9th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @hittox (View Post)

     Doesn't some sort of chain reaction already occur with neutrons in deuterium oxide? The chain reaction is slower, but the kind of chain reaction mentioned here would happen in a flash.

  • chinapowder24
    9th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    and nuclear waste will created after a nuclear reaction

  • xetalim
    9th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh no, the upvote spam is back.


  • Nomads
    9th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Nuclear waste will break every reactor save in tpt. So it wont ever be added.


    Plutonium already creates a waste of sorts when it reacts, stick with that.

  • hittox
    9th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Nomads (View Post)

    Yeah, and plutonium also hurts STKM so it's already a nuclear waste. :D

  • greymatter
    9th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @hittox (View Post)
    Anything radioactive hurts people. Plutonium is radioactive,so it hurts STKM.

    STKM doesn't die in water, but he becomes invisible so it's like he drowns.
  • hittox
    9th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @greymatter (View Post)

    Not anything, bananas don't hurt people even though they are radioactive.

    And becoming invisible means that you drown? OOoookaaayy..

  • Michael238
    9th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @greymatter (View Post)

     Just because something is radioactive does not mean it is dangerous. It really depends on the specific activity level of the object. For example,you could hold a kilogram of uranium in your bare hands and not be harmed. On the other hand, if you held a kilogram of radium, you would most likely die due to the gamma rays emitted (Radium is normally an alpha particle emitter, but the radon nuclei produced in the decay process are very energetic, and will then emit a gamma ray to expel that excess energy.).

  • tery215
    10th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    This thing is very confusing. First he talks about atoms and molecules existing... Then he talks about radioactive waste that turns stickmen into superheroes.


    I don't like this thing.

  • Complexeption
    10th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I think adding sounds would be a good idea, however it would probably be quite difficult and would require quite a bit of coding.

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