
  • sandstorm
    30th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    i need opinions...



    @The-Fall Ikr? this needs to be added.

  • billion57
    30th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    What an... idea.

    Well, it looks nice, and will be more useful than a lot of elements.

    Not just useful in that it simulates flesh, but other machine-things.

  • hittox
    30th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @sandstorm (View Post)

    I would really like to see that ''jiggle'' thing. And it should paint everything red/reddish.

  • sandstorm
    30th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    well, i think that it *should* leak a liquid... but what? water? deco watr? dstw?

    i have no ideas... unless somebody wants to suggest blood... but i feel that might just be used for guns and gore and such... so perhaps...

    and where would the liquid come out? when one of the "veins" is cut? or just anywhere on the body?

    perhaps jiggle could have something to do with the force? could it be possible to make it spread out and contract after any force is applied? perhaps powders could sink in if enough force is applied?

    i guess i need a devs opinion on how doable this is.


    could i get a dev opinion


  • jacob1
    30th Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    Am I the only dev? .....

    I think this is sort of weird to have in the game, an element called "FLESH". Doesn't really seem like something we would do ... expecially since it brings to mind realistic life forms and "creatures", things that are totally not codeable. Also I don't understand the "jiggle" part or how we would do that, and leaking blood is also something I don't really want.

    Many of it's properties are easy though and could be done, doing veins and forming skin might be a little harder but possibly still doable. It might be better off for an experienced modder to do (i'm not sure if we have any besides me right now ...)
  • sandstorm
    30th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    i didn't mean to just point you out, but you are one of the most active.

    i wasn't a big fan of the blood thing, and it could be renamed. plus, it's not supposed to have any sort of ai (other than the vein forming)


    the jiggling... hmm. could you make it so that it would "expand" and "contract" when hit, so it moves away and then slowly moves back? it might work.

  • phdanielli
    1st Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    SICK!! WT*

  • sandstorm
    2nd Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    ...what does that even mean...

    any other flaws or pointers?

  • Catelite
    2nd Jul 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    Jacob is probably the only apparent 'active' dev for the game at the moment as far as being here on the forums and communicating with people.


    ... o_o I have no idea what this element would be used for besides amusing gun fodder, but it doesn't have to be 'flesh' for that to work, you just need something that somehow accounts for deforming when it hits explosion pressure or melting temperature.


    I'm not really sure how deforming would work, even. Have to remember that this game operates on the particle level chiefly off of particles with their own unique rules, so having 'objects' that behave in coherent ways is almost always established by proxy of carefully-calculated plans beforehand.


    Like the CA that makes water rise across U-bends optionally :P


    I'd really be more amused with a "Flesh" that grows like in the old weird mods for wxSand. Like if it grew steadily at one temperature, crumbled into dust form when cold, and somehow always forms boxes. And makes flowers out of its sides and coral shapes like Quartz.

  • greymatter
    2nd Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @Catelite (View Post)
    Flesh that makes flowers out of it sides?????

    A large mass of goo makes a pretty amusing gun fodder for a pressure gun...I love to see how it deforms.