Were can I find the TPT source?

  • d4zk1tty
    8th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    can you please give a recent source saying that github is being ddosed? because right now it isn't

     i got this off of githubs twitter feed, and if you go onto github.com you get an error 500

    also check this out: http://techcrunch.com/2013/03/10/github-hit-with-another-ddos-attack-second-in-two-days-and-major-service-outage/


    just google "GitHub DDoS" and you'll get thousands of articles.

    they are going to change their IP soon.

  • jacob1
    8th Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    that's from march 10th though ... so sort of old. I did google that and got lots of hits, all from a few months ago like that.

    also you know changing their ip does absolutely nothing. If an average person was being ddos'ed (is that even possible? ... I guess probably) they could change their ip and maybe the attacker wouldn't know the new one. But when you are a large public website, people can't get to you without the ip, so of course that is going to be completely public and common knowledge what it is.
  • d4zk1tty
    8th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    changing the ip could do something, if the attackers were using the domain name it would have no effect


    so if they are DDoSing githubs ip, like:

    and they changed it to:


    it could have an effect, but if the attackers used the domain name it would immediately resolve and they would be under attack again.


    on topic: is there another way to compile TPT, SCons is not working, i tried installing it it did not work.

  • mniip
    8th Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    what exactly failed?
  • d4zk1tty
    8th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    i made a thread about it called "SCons not working", see that first.

  • mniip
    8th Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
  • d4zk1tty
    8th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    ermahgerd, go back to https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Categories/Topics.html?Category=12 and its the first/second one.

  • boxmein
    8th Jun 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @d4zk1tty (View Post)
    @d4zk1tty (View Post)
    There are ways of counteracting DDoS attacks and that is not one. They could, hum, ban the IP range temporarily
    Also, always yours, http://status.github.com

    Note, the recent source seems to be broken. Do not update if you have a working build.
    As of https://github.com/FacialTurd/The-Powder-Toy/commit/a1f9da2d0cedd4733102f1c1831cab5b51955ac2