Small optimization?

  • Quasialias
    1st Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Understood, Guvna.

  • jacob1
    1st Jun 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Quasialias (View Post)
    We can't skip any particles, because they all need to be updated. Most particles do the common 5x5 loop around them to check for other elements, but there are many elements that do things outside of this and need to be updated no matter what is around them. Checking which elements are possible to skip might somehow work, although that's just adding more checks to the game, and generally we already skip these elements that wouldn't pass the check. DMND doesn't even have an update function since it does nothing at all, so there is nothing to skip there, it's already skipped (and the movement code for it is too is skipped since it has no velocity)

    I don't see what you mean by "implementing heat in a separate handler", heat is calculated in the large update loop that goes through each particle one at a time. One at a time it goes through each particle and goes through the step of calculating some velocity / other things, transferring heat at that particle, updating state changes from temperature and pressure, and then it calls the particle's update function if it has one. After that, if the particle has a velocity it will try to move it with the movement code. Then it moves onto the next particle. Separating heat into a separate loop going through all particles might even be laggier, we probably need less of these loops, not more.

    And for the other heat suggestion, of course we don't update heat for elements with a HeatConduct of 0, we just skip over it.

    and something like "temporal analysis" just sounds too complicated and memory inefficient, I don't really want to get into things like that that will just make it messier and harder for others to understand.

    Edit: I spent a while writing this apparently

    Also, WOOD doesn't check for FIRE. FIRE checks for things with a .flammable property. Generally we put things like this in the better element to prevent constant checking for no reason, so we do think of the small things too. And yes, we iterate through every particle once per tick (maybe slightly more but it's really update_particles_i that's the slowest). We aren't iterating through n particles n^2 times though ...
  • cyberdragon
    1st Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    O.K...on topic. I can paste a giant blob of wood and my fps stays in the 50s, even when you could dry your hair with my exhaust.


    You people must have crappy computers. That is your problem.


  • Quasialias
    1st Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)


    Woah, nice post man.  It's very reassuring that sort is implemented already.  Thanks for taking the time to explain the inner-workings of the engine so well, I think we all learned something here (I certainly did).  Onward!


    @cyberdragon (View Post)


    Not so reassuring.  Specs?

  • MaksProg
    28th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    May be you are using 'legacy' build for old processors. if you are, try another one. Try to build TPT for yourself with maximim optimizations and may be 64bit. For me 32bit build runs on notebook at 60 FPS with 42000 of wood particles. If this don't helps it can be even CPU overheatting or another hardware problems or you just have old computer.

    Edited 5 times by MaksProg. Last: 28th Aug 2013