reply to: Cacophony!239382
This is exactly why we need soap to have a use(s), or else it just hogs space and is ignored.
I strongly feel that this modification should be added, because of the lack of uses for soap, realism and the cool reaction it would make. It could even be made to act like a smoke bomb (but with water vapour) just like how baking soda (acts like a base) and vinegar (a weak acid) mix togather to form cool explosions.
P.S. congrats on adding GOLD and TUNGSTEN !!!
I think the instanly disolving of the salt needs to be fixed first. Perhaps with the salt made having a special property to prevent this. ( if there is a value like tmp or similar that acid depends upon change that in the salt )
Also we need to consider soap life connected to salt.
Does anyone know if this will appear in the next version of the TPT.
@Oats (View Post) : Interesting thoughts and info.
You are right that C02 would be formed (thats why the solution bubbles, kind of like coca-cola) but the two by products created by the reaction are salt and water. The reaction heats up the area and turns the water into steam so you are left with salt. I didn't want to include C02 in my post, because i thought that it would make things complicated.
To clear this up i have changed my first post, by adding C02 and other by products created by this reaction.