Aqueous Mode

  • Uranium
    18th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jmeyer2k (View Post)

     What i really meant was only color because it would need kinda huge coding to make all solutions have properties. My idea is to only have color variation. I hope you get my point.

  • jmeyer2k
    18th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh, ok I can definitely do that. What are the different elements and properties that it would inherit?

    EX: Plutonium, Glow

    Uranium, Glow


  • jacob1
    18th Feb 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    having equal density actually doesn't solve this, the particles wouldn't mix around like they should, they would just sit, unmixed, on top of each other.

    If I did this I would probably start slowly, maybe having some things mix with water. Because I know not everything mixes together. But i'm generally really busy now ...

    Would the particles mixed in be part of the liquid? (ex. WATR, and some variable stores how much SALT is inside), or just elements mixed together. Also, would this change their reactions? Like the more salt in it, the more it acts like salt water?
  • Box-Poorsoft
    18th Feb 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • nmd
    18th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jmeyer2k (View Post)

     The idea is that it the elements would literary just be the same, but mixed into different substances.

    so Plutonium mixed into glow would literary be plutonium in glow. if you add pressure to it then it would split into lava which would float down into the bottom, neutrons which would disappear imminently because neutrons can't pass though glow, and uranium which would become aqueous in the glow.


    So the only difference is that you would end up with floating uran bits and maybe leftover melted stone bits floating in the glow, whose properties are still the same.



    It would be just the elements mixed togeather, you should still be able to see them

    the second part would be interesting, and I never thought of it... but yeah, if it has more salt then it should have more properties of salt mixed into water

  • jmeyer2k
    18th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    Would the particles mixed in be part of the liquid? (ex. WATR, and some variable stores how much SALT is inside), or just elements mixed together. Also, would this change their reactions? Like the more salt in it, the more it acts like salt water?


    That's what I was wondering. Would they react. Here's a new idea. A new element that stores things and acts like a gas, liquid, or powder based on it's tmp value. Then, It would turn into the element if it touches another new element???

  • nmd
    18th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jmeyer2k (View Post)

     But that ruins the idea.

  • jmeyer2k
    18th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Yeah, I guess you're right. This is a good idea, but, a little bit hard to both implement and think of.

  • nmd
    18th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Another thing, does everyone think it would be a good idea that in aqueous mode, salt water sepreates so you can see the amount of salt in the water?

    (ill upload an example picture if it sounds confusing..)

  • therocketeer
    18th Feb 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @nmd (View Post)
    The initial idea is great, I hope something like this is possible.