Quick over view of changes that I can remember: Added: AMTR, FIRW, CFLM, IRON, FUSE, FSEP, PCLN, HSWC Photon/Neutron behaviours adjusted. -Photons can now be refracted using glass and have colours changed using certain elements. -Cherenkov Radiation - Neutrons can be turned into photons when they hit glass or something like that. Element weight handing has been changed. New User Interface Colour map changes. (update your rainbow cracker64) Used flags for some element properties Some changes to FIRE (graphically) bugfixes
Bug: Draw a line of SWCH, turn it on, and send SPRK on it, it will stay sparked forever. I already fixed that (see pull request #2). But you can sure take a look yourself.
However: The following is already fixed: SWCH will now turn off even if it is currently sparked.