Powder Toy DS

  • MiningMarsh
    10th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Actually, I really only see it plausible on the PS Vita (Internally, the device features an up to 2Ghz quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore processor (3 of the 4 cores are usable for applications)and a quad-core GPU SGX543MP4+) -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Vita)


    Basically, it smokes my laptop in specs, and I can play powder, so I don't see why the PS Vita couldn't. I still see the 3ds as being too slow to play it reasonably.

  • fireball5000
    10th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    Wow... I didn't know that. O_O Makes my laptop look like an Atari... lol!

    11th Jan 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • jenn4
    11th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    TPT is possible to run almost on anything. It runs somewhat well on Android, it can definitely run run on Xbox 360 if you get a modchip on it, which allows you to use your Xbox as the pc it actually is.

    You just need to compile/port and possibly modify it somehow. You just have to do the hard part, which is coding, since likely no-one else is going to it for you.
  • fireball5000
    11th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Why can't the Ps3 run TPT?(considering it has better specs than most computers) Just because we can't import it?

  • Candunc
    11th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Xbox360 = Possible

    PS3 = Possible


    Developer Fees make it impossible to do legally. It does have the power, but it won't be done.

  • Pilihp64
    11th Jan 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    No matter how many cores things get, Powder Toy won't run any faster since it is mostly single threaded.  Once you take that into account, it will run pretty damn slow.

    Sure it runs on anything (someone ported it on Wii) but it just isn't very feasible and slow, and many would require entire UI rewrites to make it useable as it is on a computer.

  • boxmein
    11th Jan 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @fireball5000 (View Post)
    Imagine trying to point the mouse with a d-pad or a joystick. It's darn annoying. Closest I can see is with a hand gesturing tool like PS Move or Kinect and that'd leave no room for accuracy, making it rather boring...
  • cj646464
    11th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    They should make a tool that is more accurate for games like that.   Maybe a mouse and a pad like that thing they have for the Wii that you use for drawing games.  IS there a way you could hook your computer up to your xbox for stuff like this?  MAybe through a usb cable, because I know you can hook computers up to larger televisions for a larger display.  Also, if they ported tpt to other gaming systems, wouldn't there have to be completely different servers.   At the beginning. there would be no things you could do because there would be a mininmal amount of people.  Although, you probably could use the same server/

  • MiningMarsh
    11th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @fireball5000 (View Post)

     Better specs then most computers. Thats hilarious. Our outdated two year old tower still has way more power then that thing (and the xbox360, which actually does have slightly more power then the ps3, and is more plausible as a TPT platform).