devast8a <Nibble> Does anyone in here keep a log of everything being said in this channel? <Catelite> I do <Catelite> When I'm here <Catelite> Usually use it to fetch old links though <Nibble> if so, search for something like "says the man who made a processor" or something like that. <Catelite> Okay <Catelite> Oh <Catelite> I remember that <Nibble> I said it, to devast8a <Nibble> need the quote <Nibble> that he answered <Catelite> [14:05] <devast8a> I'm not to clued up on exactly how graphics card work. <Catelite> [14:05] <Nibble> devast8a: :P <Catelite> [14:05] <Nibble> says the guy who made a processor in tpt <Catelite> [14:05] <devast8a> lol <Catelite> [14:07] <Nibble> but that has to be powder toy <Catelite> [14:07] <Nibble> seriously <Catelite> [14:09] <devast8a> Nibble: Actually come to think of it. I don't know how I even did that.