When is the next update for portable tpt it will not let me open my newer version of the powder toy
so what he's saying is that there should be a "The Powder Toy 'app'"? with only the basic elements listed?
My opinion: lame, but could be improved
Explination: I've found that most tablets (especially IPADS) have processors equal in size and strength to the portable computers some of us use to run the original version of tpt. Although Tablets cannot match up with the size and strength of the processors found in desktops, portable computers can handle the current version of TPT fine (As long as there isn't too much going on)
Conclusion: All the developers have to do is make it so that TPT can be downloaded as a app for a tablet.
So what you're saying is that someone is profiting from Stanislaw's idea? Now doesn't that just suck...
Well, I'd say that we had powerful processors in 2012 for ipads, but they were just really big.
I'm sure that, by the end of 2015, we will have 1 terrabyte processors in our little devices.
The new iphone 6 that will be releasing soon has 3gb ram and a 2.6ghz quad core processor. That is more than my desktop I play tpt on right now. Phones and tablets have gone a long ways since 2012. It is just a matter of time when they are as powerful as current desktops. Only problem I see with porting tpt to android and ios devices is the time and dedication it would take. Would be worth it though. If they made it where they had advertising on the app, it would help pay for the servers and costs to keep it up.
Yea, watch for someone to record an 80 minute video in full HD on their little handheld device
Just sayin'...
My phone, just turns off while playing The Powder Toy and its android.