We need Logic Gates!

  • New-IdeasForYou
    8th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacksonmj This works well, really interesting way to use wire (i dont understand this element, haven't seen any use for this until now...) but even using wire, you need at least a space of 7x17px to use this. I was thinking about an element that could do this in 1x1px. My idea is something like a switch, that would switch if PSCN or NSCN charge it, different from SWCH, that charges only with PSCN. Then, Energy would be able to pass through this element only if the conductor is METL, INST, INWR, something like that.

  • 4722202468
    22nd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @New-IdeasForYou (View Post)

     I agree, i'm currently making them to put in my mod

  • MiningMarsh
    22nd Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Lock for necro.

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