I'm Sick of Using Wi-Fi

  • R3APER
    6th Jun 2012 Member 1 Permalink
    @PacBrad (View Post)
    Are you that hopeless that you say Wi-Fi needs to be replaced? Oh that's right you probably don't even know how to use it. Keep crying to the forums but no one cares because you have no reasonable evidence to even remotely state the reasons for why you believe (fantasize) wifi needs to be replaced.
  • boxmein
    6th Jun 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @PacBrad (View Post)
    1) Don't be so demanding, that just makes you an annoying user. Requesting things like you control the people who actually control you is pointless and rude.
    2) Thanks to your crappy behaviour, I won't describe it here. Go F yourself if you can't click any links. [link]
    Never ever try to be above the users and the moderators. I will hate you for that. And I don't hate anyone.
  • R3APER
    6th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    He's asking for a foot in a place where the air quality is questionable. I second your notion. I predict a future troll with this one.
  • boxmein
    6th Jun 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @R3APER (View Post)
    A follow-up to Tong-47, I see.
    There are ~99 + ~99 channels (99 wifi + 99 portals) of wireless electricity. You won't need more. Even if you tried really hard.
  • R3APER
    6th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    I don't think so, tong was one of those screwed up little kids who thought he could over-run the website with his idiocracy.

    This guy is legitimately lost. Everyone of his threads is a darn clustermug of an idea.
  • tian110796
    6th Jun 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    There are already animated gifs for wifi in its how-to-use page.

    Click here for it.


    Also, as you want a mod to help you, most of the users here were a mod/admin last April. Even if they are only ex-mods, please try to listen to what they would say.


    Another matter is your use of the imperative form of verbs without the "please," which would naturally make people be less polite to you. So, please try to use more polite English.

  • PacBrad
    6th Jun 2012 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • boxmein
    6th Jun 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @PacBrad (View Post)
    PacBrad, you're annoying. Run The Powder Toy and use it yourself. It's easy. Zoom in, WIFI pixel here and there, run metal to one and another, spark one side, shabam, spark appears out of other side. Portals do the same.
    [Spreadsheet of previously rejected elements]
  • jacksonmj
    6th Jun 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    @PacBrad (View Post)
    As other users have suggested, to find out how to use wifi: start by reading the wiki, and by experimenting with wifi yourself. Looking at saves that use it may also be helpful.

    People are willing to help if you get stuck, but you have to make an effort to find out things on your own first. When asking a question, describe where you've looked for information, and what things you've tried so far that don't work. If the answer seems easy to find, people may get a bit annoyed - they don't see why they should put any effort into helping you unless you've first put some effort into helping yourself.

    Provided you talk to them in the right way (i.e. be patient, explain things clearly, and don't call them useless), everyone else here is as capable of helping you as a moderator is (possibly more so, due to having more time on their hands...)

    "Please do not feed the trolls"
    If someone is being a nuisance, don't hurl abuse/insults at them or flame them or have an argument. Just don't reply to them.
  • R3APER
    6th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
Locked by Catelite: Appears to speak english, doesn't seem to know how to read a wiki or ask particular questions, no more desire to let people troll.