More Quantum physics for tpt

  • billion57
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    PROT (not PHOT) -> NEUT+POSI
  • code1949
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @dulix11 (View Post)
    What? What the hell is an adiquino? I'm pretty sure it is not a quantum-mechanical entity.
  • Minishooz
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post)
    If that was the case, then how would PROT turn to NEUT?
  • DarkSpirit1293
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Protons interact with the Weak Nuclear Force, to produce Neutrons, positrons and Electron Neutrinos.
    Neutrons interact with the Weak Nuclear Force to produce Protons, Electrons and Electron Anti-Neutrinos
    And Adiquinos are not elementary particles, but hydrocarbons. An example of aliphatic hydrocarbons are Alkynes, which have at least one triple bond between two carbon atoms. The actual definition of an aliphatic hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon that is not aromatic. ;D
  • billion57
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @Minishooz (View Post)
    Conservation of Charge. PHOT has 0 charge, NEUT has 0. POSI has 1. 0+0 does NOT equal 1.
    When you substitute PROT for PHOT, it works perfectly.
    Besides, that's the way it actually works.
    Also, quarks must not be forgotten. There are 6: Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Bottom, Top (in order of mass). Furthermore, each quark can have 3 colors (tmp?). Don't forget the antiparticle for each! Also, there are gluons, which can bind quarks together. Gluons come in 8 (I think) different colors.
  • firefreak11
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    ya we should have a category of particles like phot, neut, elec, prot, neutrino, boson, gamma ray, uv ray, microwave, infrared, positron, cosmic rays, leptons, quarks, gluons, magnetic waves....
  • Minishooz
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @firefreak11 (View Post)
    Magnetics were rejected.
  • -Troll
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Help me please I don't know all these different types of quarks.
  • DarkSpirit1293
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @-Troll (View Post)
    Up (Charge: +2/3) and Down (Charge: -1/3) are the lightest quarks and are also the most common. They are denoted by U and D respectively, and make up protons and neutrons in the following combinations:
    P: UUD    N:UDD
    Charm (Charge: +2/3) and Strange (Charge -1/3) are the next heaviest. These are found in nature infrequently.
    Top (Charge: +2/3) and Bottom (Charge -1/3) are the heaviest quarks, and are very rarely found in nature, if at all.
    Quarks also decay:
    Top decays into Charm, which decays into Up, stabilising it.
    Bottom decays into Strange, which decays into Down, stabilising it.
  • firefreak11
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @Minishooz (View Post) oh that sucks. but i bet theres a lot of magnetic mods
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