cant you freeze bubbles Though? But i Thank you all for supporting this poll, its not just for water its all liquids too, deut would have more tension than water and nitr would have more tension than deut.
Surface tension assumes that water particles have some degree of solidness around its edges. Powder Toy doesn't calculate objects, it deals with particles that have barely any relationship with one another.
Not sure how this would really be fun to play with. Objects resting on the surface of water would be tricky enough, but not as tricky as making water behave that way in the first place.
@plead-for-destruction(View Post) if you mean the bubbles formed from soap then that was the devs test of a "moving solid" , just a tiny step forward, more of a science experiment for them :P
@yoplait(View Post) catelites saying to make surface tension each particle on the edge would have to calculate the particles around it to give it the "tension"