Background Tool

  • Jallibad
    10th Oct 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @MasterMind555 (View Post)
    okay, look at this save
  • megamageiii
    23rd Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @MasterMind555 (View Post)

     There can be multiple particles per position. Look up "layered elements" in the game. Back to the main topic, I have had this idea too, but I called it BACK or BGRD (background). It would be very useful for houses (the back wall) and gun barrels. There is already INVS so I know they could make it.

  • h4zardz1
    23rd Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    PHOT, on the other hand, is energy, stackable and do nothing without NEWT gravity, thus making it a background.

    how to make it:

    1: flood fill the world with FILT.

    2: deco color the FILT, as your liking.

    3: type on console: "!set type filt phot"

    4: done.



  • Iridium616
    23rd Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I did have the idea of background painting, mainly to create room-alike stuff (Actually, just been wanting to paint the background gray or make it look woodish. You know, like a room, not just plain black void)


    Iridium616 approves this.

  • Schneumer
    24th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    It would just kind of make it faster to color and make art saves, so I guess we should make it! (P.S. Necro FTW!!) But still, this should be added. You could make lag and particle free art saves, or minimal lag, lol.

  • Iridium616
    24th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink


    It would just kind of make it faster to color and make art saves, so I guess we should make it! (P.S. Necro FTW!!) But still, this should be added. You could make lag and particle free art saves, or minimal lag, lol.

     Yeah. And, we would still make backgrounds for rooms!


    Also about the necro, meh, it's not that bad. He had something relevant to say and the thread is still relevant. So who cares?

  • CommanderKitty
    20th Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I would like it, but I'm not sure what menusection it would be in.

    I mean, not to sound stupid but there isn't really a menusection designed especially for it.

    Maybe special? Decoration layer?

    Just what I'm sayin'.