Here are some of my ideas... Gamma Rays: [Particles], they obliterate anything destructible like a Death Ray. Anti-Matter: [Powder], when it touches other particles, KABOOM! Neutrinos: [Particles], I don't know, figure something out for it Glue: [Solid], particles stick to it. Wormhole I: [Wall], Transforms particles into electrical current and re-assembles them at Wormhole O. Wormholes I and O are connected by metal or other conductors. Wormhole O: [Wall], recieves and re-assembles Wormhole I particles. (Note: I and O stand for In and Out, if you didn't figure that out) Bacteria: [Liquid], eats anything organic (Coal, Wood, Plant) and grows. Extinguisher [Gas], extinguishes fires and cools lava. What do you think?
Anti-Matter: [Powder], when it touches other particles, KABOOM!
Gamma Rays: [Particles], they obliterate anything destructible like a Death Ray.
No point.
Glue: [Solid], particles stick to it.
already been rejected.
Wormhole I: [Wall], Transforms particles into electrical current and re-assembles them at Wormhole O. Wormholes I and O are connected by metal or other conductors. Wormhole O: [Wall], recieves and re-assembles Wormhole I particles. (Note: I and O stand for In and Out, if you didn't figure that out)
Could be a good idea but hard to implement.
Extinguisher [Gas], extinguishes fires and cools lava.
Sort of pointless since the pressure from fire will blow it away.
Post in Element Suggestions, that threads there for a reason!!
I've made Antimatter, Glue would mean moveable solids which isn't going to happen becasue this is POWDER toy not SOLIDS toy, Gamma Ray, heat up some photons. Wormhole, simulate using PCLN and VOID :P, Extinguiser, no. It'd be affected too much by pressure and would prove to be usless.
pilojo Sorry to flame on you but nothing is hard to implement. You just have to have the knowledge enough to do it. I saw someone do this in GML. I could see if something was hard to implement if it was out land-ish. Like say, with our current technology we would try to make a 3d projection/hologram and you could interact with the 3d hologram with your hand or stylus or glove of some sort. Please try to say why it would be. Of course i should say anything. Im not much experienced in C# or whatever it is. Buahahaha. Thanks :D
CommanderK Wormhole i/o is a great idea. But how would they connect if we wanted more. How could we chose different "I"s to different "O"s? Kudos