It does this by dropping the water into a low pressure area, which turns the water into steam. It's then dropped into an area where the steam is kept under extremely low pressures while cooled to absolute zero. It's then placed in an area with normal pressure where it instantly forms Rime, and sparked to turn into Fog, and teleported out. :D
...Technically the last stage is unnecessary, I might remove it. :o
@Catelite +1, Another awesome one. You know what I love about your stuff? I try to reverse-engineer them and I can't! Or at least, it's difficult enough that I don't persist in trying.:-)
Basically, it takes water and de-pressurizes it to near the cap of powder toy, causing it to turn into Steam regardless of its temperature.
After moving through a teleport it gets dumped into one of four chambers that move the steam with pipe to make sure it keeps a steady pace, and touches freezing GOL at every step in a -255ish pressure environment. As a result, the steam particles are cooled all the way to absolute zero almost without freezing or turning to liquid.
After going through another teleport they're dumped into a normal pressure area, which due to their steam type and low temperature, causes them to immediately transform into RIME, where they are sparked and turned into fog. Some particles remain as steam, so after one more teleport...
The process is repeated. This way, all particles that emerge are fog.