Interestingly enough, this is almost a scary accurate representation of the destruction of the USS Yamato. The saucer section even explodes a while after the warp core does!
*Geordi turns on warp core* "Captain! The warp core is overloading!! I'm going to have to-" *Warp core explodes* +1
Forgot to mention - in the vacuum, all objects traveling out of a breached hull would be sucked away super duper fast.
@XxAV3NGERxX It is not in a vacuum, as in the true vacuum(not the bizarre quantum physics concept, I'm talking about space), water and all liquids would boil instantly, as there is 0 pressure, but in TPT, 0 pressure is the equivalent of 1 atmosphere, so the only vacuum in TPT is -256 pressure.
its in a vacuum, the liquids you put in the space float, they dont fall away like in a world affected by gravity!
If you add a vacume, it explodes. It would not survive in space
place 1 nutron inside the warp core
harryk, from my view, your' eyes would be riped out of there sockets long before the ship starts to melt. (Heat would breach the hull)
Thats one painfully slow self destruct. I'd hate to be on the sacucer section as while it slowly begins to melt all around me. Try neutronating the deut as it expands.