The QR code leads to a page saying "ACcount was here.". What the hell does it mean?
I was going to scan the QR code, but my phone died.
ncnt around all that metal???
plsma has a ctype like ice it carries water in this
circovik: yes it does, i'm using ver. 83 now. You have to wait until the pressure builds up. Also, if you want to use ver. 83, use my mod. It has comment scrolling, text highlighting, longer signs/comments, tpt++ save compatibility, and soon will have the 2 new tpt++ elements: DMG and TSNS. Also many other things
Doesn't work in v83 and I'm not updating
65535 is the largest life value that can be saved. That's normally enough time. would adding a btry just in case work though?
Saving limits. You can !set life ~1410000000 (272 days at 60fps ~= forever), but it will lowered to ~50000 (28 minutes at 30fps) when save/load.