40 / 23
12th Oct 2012
20th Jan 2013
Update: just testing CRAY saving stuff for my mod. Ignore for now since you don't have CRAY ...
oldupdate aseerr zzzzz simp jacob1 dmg tsns 971564


  • jacob1
    26th Oct 2012
    i'd also like to add that VIBR is now an official element. It isn't finished though.
  • jacob1
    26th Oct 2012
    Ok, I had to come to the website to respond (I use my mod, and it doesn't try to display comments longer than the whole save preview area). For powered portals (PPTI and PPTO in my mod), i'm not sure, but maybe. The reason, is that I changed it so that PIPE could directly pass into portals. Using powered pipe, and turning that off and on, it might be possible. You can use PUMP to set the pressure to 0, and there isn't a direct way for temperature, but if there was, it might just work as well as existing methods. PROT I want to add to my mod, but not for any reasons you described (which I can't really do, would break saves, and we only have a few at most periodic table elements (HYGN->NBLE->?, then what)). APRT <- reason before. Magnets, you already said it was only like WHOL and BHOL, and that would require a whole new layer (like pressure layer, gravity layer, air heat layer). And tpt isn't a script, it's written in c++. The rewrite is already done (but someone else wants to do it in a different way), and magnets wouldn't need one anyway. STOR change: no, because PSCN already makes STOR release it's particle, and there are often electronics near it.
  • sentinal-5
    26th Oct 2012
    COOL! A VOMIT BALL! :D but seriously, those are some pretty cool elements! by the way (i know it's long but please hear me out) have you considered: PPIN+PPOU (powered portals), EQUP+EQUT (elememts that create pressure of 0/temperature of 22.8(or whatever the default temp of INSL is)), oxdeadbeef's pressure wall (like gravity and energy wall(allows particles but not pressure)), PROT (swap with neut in the HYGN reaction and/or add to any element to change element(count 1 up in element numbers(move HYGN to 1))) also maybe APRT (counts down an element) to make it reversable, MGNN+MGNS (north and south pole magnets(work the same as WHOl(MGNN)+BHOL(MGNS) but only affect the particles that are 'magnetic' (if you do make them, don't forget PLSM) particles inside theyr magnetic field are attracted to them, they have a second field in witch anything 'magnetic' touching another 'magnetic' particle inside the inner field will develop it's own (tiny) magnetic field however only particles of magnet have a second outer field.(i don't know much about scripting but i don't think(as previously stated)that it would need a complete rewrite of tpt to make them, besides isn't that what tpt++ is?. and maybe make STOR able to be turned on/off like SWCH, throughout every particle connected to the one touching PSCN/NSCN. please think about it. (and srry for long comment, i'm still in essay-mode after an english test)
  • jacob1
    23rd Oct 2012
    by the way, i'm not serious. This is just the only save besides my two front page ones that actually got a downvote.
  • jacob1
    23rd Oct 2012
    ooh, a downvote. /banbanbanbanban
  • jacob1
    22nd Oct 2012
    oh, but DMG does create a lot of pressure too. And also, there is a new menusection, called sensors. Currently, DTEC and TSNS are in it, and it doesn't have an icon made for it yet.
  • jacob1
    22nd Oct 2012
    dmg is a force explosive, so it's like the force elements, but looks like a green bomb and uses force (so it won't destroy like METL or anything, but it's still powerful against things like destroyable city 5). TSNS stands for temperature sensor. It makes a spark when there are things of a (equal?, I want this changed, or) greater temperature around it. I also thing it shouldn't detect the temp of conductors, or at least just one specific one, that would help too. I was waiting for someone to guess what they meant, that's why I didn't give any specifics, just a hint that one was an explosive and one had something to do with temp.
  • thepowderdustflame
    22nd Oct 2012
    is tsns the one that makes elements grow & dmg is the red meter
  • thepowderdustflame
    22nd Oct 2012
    cool :)
  • jacob1
    20th Oct 2012
    ok, this will now load in version 19.3 of my mod. The EMBR I was using as fake deco over the bombs got deleted though, I can only add it back from version 19.0