Instructions to be added in "Beta 1.3", it is too complicated to explain here, feel free to fool around with it, the surface shields are currently working (spark the insulated wire on the outside to re-charge them), feel free to fool around for now and try to figure out the controls for yourself.. Enjoy, Rave.
This is my first draft for a working death star, sorry for the late reply I'm new to this, the bottom right contains concept designs and attempts at creating a working laser and control system before adding it to the model. It's already released as a BETA version, still needs work but it's fully functional ATM. I'll be sure to check yours out :)
what is this? when will came the beta? what does it do? what should we do whit it? give some instructions pls. anyway I thought at this week i should make a Death Star so i guess maybe we will compete with each other for the views soon :D im not a pro but i hope you will like my D.S. (and if you answer my questions i sure ill vote up this or the finished version)