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27th Dec 2010
27th Dec 2010
No description provided.


  • swaggerdagger77
    6th Nov 2018
    @dedemankbotatoe perhaps god will save you, maybe not, but i will be praying for you.
  • Chexbi
    15th Nov 2017
    Amen to you
  • Korteweg
    21st Sep 2017
    How can a 1.3 Kg brain understand a 10^80 particles observable universe? What about denying His Name? We are less than nothing in this universe. Our greatest accomplishments are null compared to what is still unknown. Yet, physics is just an insignificant fraction of His power.
  • Korteweg
    21st Sep 2017
    He is the Lord over everything, through Him the universe came into existence, by Him physics was created. Electromagnetism, the Hall effect, giant magnetorresistance, quantum tunneling, black holes, gravity, bosons, quarks, fields, vectors, tensors, mathematics, entanglement, the speed of light, semiconductors, stars, quasars, pulsars, galaxies, neutron stars, you and me, and so much we are yet to discover.
  • Korteweg
    21st Sep 2017
    Saul, previously a well-regarded Judaic leader, rich, powerful and fiercely pursuiter of Christians, ditched all his status, wealth and authority to instead be pursuited, beaten, starved, imprisoned for years and much more in order to announce the Name of Christ.
  • Korteweg
    21st Sep 2017
    Think how easy it would be for the disciples to avoid execution by simply saying that they made it all up. But they proclaimed His resurrection, which resulted in all of them, except for John, to be killed in various ways, such as crucification, spearing, torture and then upside-down crucification, skinning and upside-down crucification... The more Christians were pursuited and killed, the more Christianity spreaded.
  • dedemankbotatoe
    3rd Aug 2017
    wtf is this post it just says 'jesus christ' and just a box in the middle, oh yeah and ITS PHYSICALLY IMPOSIBLE TO COME BACK FROM THE DEAD AFTER 3 DAYS OF DECOMPOSITION.
  • jaya27
    13th Jan 2016
  • smurfarific
    24th Mar 2013
    like it +1 :)
  • eman123
    11th Mar 2013
    spread the word +9